Sunday, March 13, 2011


I spent the week in Texas for the 2011 NCAA's Indoor Track &Field Championships. We qualified a girl's Distance Medley Relay, and finished third behind Villanova and Oregon.

Got to spend the day in Austin, where we spent a couple hours with some local residents. Lucky for us, they had just pulled three loaves of their homemade bread out of the oven: Using a new method: "No Knead, No Rise Bread". They made Olive, Multi-grain (Top Image)  and quite possibly the most delicious breakfast bread I have ever tasted... Cheddar Bacon Bread (Bottom Image)

There wasn't even a huge amount of bacon or cheddar because it was not too rich, yet not too subtle either. The fact that they were baked into the bread gave it a smoky flavor.

One of my teammates told them, "Fry an Egg and put it in between two slices of this bread, and you've got a money maker."


  1. Those breads look delicious. Can you tell us more about the no knead, no rise bread? How do you make it?

  2. Here it is, I found the book he showed me! I have yet to try the recipe myself but will soon.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=2366250297752870661&sa=X&ei=9CCATdflM8K3tgeng_DwCA&ved=0CDcQ8wIwAg#
